Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Polls Depend on Who's Taking Them

A bill moving through the KY legislature highlights the fact that not everyone chooses to have a say in the political process. The bill would require drug testing for welfare recipients. If they test positive, they face the risk of losing benefits.

An unscientific online poll at Hazard TV station (and Chanel 27 affiliate) WYMT showed more than 90% of the voters believed this bill should pass:

Whatever your feelings on this bill, it's likely that quite a few people on welfare won't be exicted about peeing in a cup on a regular basis just to keep their beneifts coming. And it's probably say to safe that more than 10% of the folks in Eastern KY (although you could be anywhere in the world when you take this poll given the fact that it's online, I should point out) are on or have friends or family who're on welfare. Yet their perspective is silent in this survey.


Anonymous said...

It is important for the government to realize that people are abusing the welfare system but they should instead re-evaluate who they are giving tax money to, rather than subject those people to drug tests.

Being on welfare shouldn't give the government the right to invade your privacy.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree that this should me a priority. Those who are on welfare should be able to pass the drug test and if they don't then they obviously do not need to recieve money for something that they are illegally doing. I do, however, undertand and see the negative side of this of being costly, and it will probably cause a huge legal case. But I still believe that this is something that we need to do. It will help decrease the rising drug rate in KY.

Anonymous said...

I agree that this may be a way to weed out someone who may be using the system. However, I do worry that this may have a negative impact on the children that are in these homes. They may not get enough food or have enough money for clothing that is needed. I don't feel that its right to punish the kids for the sins of the parent!